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A list rounding up the most engaged articles from our Research & Policy e-newsletter from the first half of the year.
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Research into links between life expectancy and outlook on life made headlines last month, but there are other factors that make more of a difference.
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New book from Louise Ansari, published by Green Tree – Bloomsbury, gives the essential guide to making sure you have a fabulous later life.
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New guidelines recommend that older adults should do muscle strengthening activities on at least two days a week to improve balance in later life.
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Last year, Age-Friendly Isle of Wight worked with their local Tesco to create a till designed to support those who need a bit more time for their shopping. It's made a huge difference to people in the community.
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Our new research project with ComRes and Equally Ours aims to better understand how ageing is portrayed in the media, on social media and in public policy.
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Latest figures from ONS reveal a record number of people living alone, particularly those approaching later live.
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There is a need for better products, services and marketing strategies if businesses are to seize the opportunity of longer lives.
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This paper provides a discussion on where further investment and innovation is necessary and proposes how the Industrial Strategy Challenge Fund can fill identified gaps and complement existing initiatives.
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The Government’s Green Paper on prevention and public health will in part be measured by ‘disability-free life expectancy’. This has major implications for future health policy.
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