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'Smart homes' are sometimes posited as the solution to our social care crisis. But what are the limitations of using technology as a substitute for care?
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We welcome the government's Advancing our health: prevention in the 2020s paper that looks to proactively improve the well-being of those approaching later life.
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Fifty years ago, the US mobilised all of government and society in pursuit of a single goal: putting a man on the moon. Now, we need the same will and investment to be geared towards the challenge of healthy ageing.
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One year on from our strategy, Transforming later lives, we look back on our achievements in 2018-19 across our priority work areas.
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Older woman in a physical activity class

A year in review: our impact in 2018-2019

Impact report from Centre for Ageing Better, one year on from its 'Transforming later lives' strategy.
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As the UK's older population becomes more diverse, we need to rethink our approach to later life. For the growing cohort of older LGBT+ people, this need is particularly acute.
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Not having access to public toilets can stop people getting out and about in their area - so we made a tool to help.
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The Centre for Ageing and Demography was set up by the Office for National Statistics to investigate gaps in our understanding about people’s quality of life.
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Framing society’s big challenges in terms of “intergenerational fairness” risks oversimplifying the issue.
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The Future of Mobility report released earlier in the year came up with four outcomes for the future of transport for an ageing population.
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