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Preview Rachel Monaghan


Programme Manager - Homes
Rachel supports the effective scoping, management and communications of Ageing Better projects.

She supports colleagues and partners to deliver high quality projects, ensuring our principles and quality standards are met, and helping to share learning.

Rachel comes from a background of developing and delivering projects across the health, environmental and youth sectors.

After years of championing young people’s participation, her interest in issues of ageing has developed alongside managing volunteers of all ages and volunteering for the Alzheimer’s Society.

Most recently she has worked on a National Lottery-funded project in the London Borough of Islington supporting communities most at risk of health inequalities to take action to improve their own health and well-being.

Rachel joined the Centre for Ageing Better in February 2018.

Articles written by Rachel

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Too many older people are missing out on the diverse benefits volunteering brings for both the volunteers and communities involved.
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Too many people are locked out of contributing to their community. Understanding why people might not feel able to volunteer is crucial if we are to make our organisations age-friendly and inclusive.
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International Volunteers Day is a great opportunity to celebrate the diverse contributions people make in their community.

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