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Preview Millie Brown


Senior Evidence Manager - Homes
Millie provides research advice, commissions and manages evidence projects and overall contributes to the strong evidence catalogue our work at Ageing Better is based on.

For the last few years Millie has worked within Policy and Research at several Local Authorities – her focus has been within housing, in particular the array of housing issues faced by those approaching, and already in, later life.

Her background is heavily research-based both in her employment and educational experience, which includes her completing an MSc in Social Research Methods at the University of Sussex. During her time at The University of Sussex, Millie’s research was focused on the role of charities in healthy ageing and worked alongside Age UK to publish several reports on this subject area.

Millie’s work currently focuses largely on the two priority areas of housing and work.

She joined the Centre for Ageing Better in May 2019.

Articles written by Millie

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The quality of a home has a fundamental bearing on an individual’s health and wellbeing and yet millions of people in England endure the hardship of living in sub-standard housing.
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There are over four million poor-quality homes in the UK, over half of which are lived in by older people. We need to see immediate and long-term action from government to address our poor housing crisis.
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Housing tenure is a factor that can have a big impact on our quality of life, especially in light of the COVID-19 pandemic.

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