The results of our analysis showed that 252 of the262 local authorities analysed saw the absolute number of older privately renting households increase.
All ten local authorities where numbers of older private renters decrease were all in Greater London.
When we looked at the 20 areas with the highest proportion of privately renting older households, all bar one were either coastal or within Greater London
Many of these older renter hot spots are also typically more income deprived areas. For example, Blackpool has the highest proportions of older private renters, and is also among the top fifth most income deprived areas in England.
We also looked at how populations had changed over time. Of the top 20 areas that saw the largest increase in older privately renting households, half were coastal and all others were either northern towns or in Greater London.
Again, these areas are often areas of higher income deprivation. Of the areas that saw the largest decreases in older renters, 14 were in Greater London.