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The State of Ageing in 2020

This online, interactive report captures a snapshot of how people in the UK are ageing today, while looking at past trends and our prospects if action isn't taken.

Group of older people exercising outdoor

Our report warns that the COVID-19 pandemic risks setting people in mid-life on a path to poverty and ill-health in old age.

For the latest statistics and commentary, read our updated 2023-24 State of Ageing report.

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The State of Ageing in 2020 captures a snapshot of how people in the UK are ageing today, while looking at past trends and our prospects if action isn't taken.
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This chapter sets the scene for how people in the UK are ageing today and the impact that COVID-19 is having on health inequalities.
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The proportion of people over the age of 50 in employment has risen over the last 20 years, but this progress masks the large number of people falling out of work prematurely.
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Many of us are spending more time in our homes than ever before, but for too many people, their home is actively damaging their health and wellbeing.
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People are living longer in poor health than in the past and progress on life expectancy is stalling.
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The first lockdown has seen a surge in community activity – but in many cases the people who are struggling to get by are missing out.

Watch: What is the State of Ageing in 2020?

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We held an interactive webinar to explore the key themes from our flagship report: The State of Ageing in 2020
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Poor health, unsafe housing, financial inequalities and a lack of social connections have exacerbated the impact of coronavirus across the country, according to our report.

Download and use our slides

View and download our slides where we we present findings from The State of Ageing in 2020.

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