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Read all the latest news and blogs from the Centre for Ageing Better

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Existing homes

Tackling the country’s poor housing crisis requires a local approach on a national scale

Our country has a poor housing crisis, with almost 10 million people living in poor quality homes across England that are cold, in need of repair or have serious hazards.

  • Homes
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Office worker

Local authorities lead the way in creating a more inclusive workforce

Recent analysis by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) reveals older workers are a significant part of the local government workforce.

  • Work
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A home with a very steep set of stairs

The clock continues to tick on unfulfilled accessible homes promise

Many older and Disabled people continue to struggle to find appropriate housing that meets their needs.

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Image of a woman at a laptop on the phone

New Private Members’ Bills are a step forward for older workers’ rights

The recently passed Flexible Working Act and Carer’s Leave Act are both a real win for employees, especially those with caring responsibilities or health conditions.

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Two older volunteers in a hospital

New image library collection showcases contributions of older volunteers to NHS

Older volunteers in healthcare settings across the UK play a vital role in supporting medical staff and supporting patients and their families.

  • Age-friendly Movement
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Drone shot of Lincolnshire

Ageing Better responds to new report warning one in five people in England will have a major illness by 2040

The number of people in ill health will rise by 37 per cent over the next two decades according to a new Health Foundation report.

  • Age-friendly Movement
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Man in restaurant kitchen

The UK is playing catch-up in harnessing the power of older workers

A new report shows that the UK is lagging behind many countries when it comes to inclusion of older workers into the labour market.

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older woman using ipad

Four key takeaways from the British Society of Gerontology’s annual conference

This year’s annual conference of the British Society of Gerontology highlighted the importance of understanding how issues including COVID-19 and climate change impact older people.

  • Age-friendly Movement

Latest research from others

New Philanthropy Capital
5 Jun 2024
This report sets outs UK and England-level environmental policy priority areas, including for older people.
Tanner, D. and Ray, M and Ward, L., Ageing and Society
19 May 2024
This study explores the experiences of older people self-funding social care in England. Based on interviews with 65 older people, it outlines self-funders’ experiences of finding, managing, and…
Bennie, M., et al., British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology
29 May 2024
This paper outlines the prevalence of polypharmacy (taking five or more medications) amongst older people living in Europe.

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