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Being age-friendly makes perfect sense for businesses – and the customers they serve

older woman working at a cafe

Being age-friendly makes perfect sense for businesses – and the customers they serve.

ageing better purple
Age-friendly Programme Manager

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The how, where and when of flexible working at Phoenix

Phoenix Group talk to us about Phoenix Flex, a new project that supports their commitment towards becoming a leader in age-inclusive employment.

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The 'neighbourhood arts centre without walls'

RivelinCo is a ‘neighbourhood arts centre without walls’ based in Hillsborough, Sheffield, organising cultural activities for and with the community. Events take place in parks, community centres, high streets, car parks, empty shops, etc. – anywhere non-traditional!  

Preview A group of people outside RivelinCo

Making friends, helping people

Jane Nelson, Chief Executive Officer and an organisational champion for diversity and inclusion, explains how this has helped it to reinforce its position as an age-friendly employer.

Preview Older women socialising

Find out more about examples of good practice and people's experiences of growing older.

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