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Read all the latest news and blogs from the Centre for Ageing Better

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Two older women leaning against columns outside

Tackling inequality a priority as older population becomes more diverse

New Census figures show that the older population is more diverse than ever and will continue on that trajectory over the next couple of decades.

  • Age-friendly Movement
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older women looking out from her front door

New collection of images highlights diverse experiences of ageing across England

Ageing Better is growing its popular, free Age-positive image library to reflect groups often unrepresented in public life.

  • Age-friendly Movement
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How can we boost the return of over 50s to the workplace?

It is encouraging to see the Chancellor paying attention to economic inactivity among over 50s but steps need to be taken to further improve the situation.

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Black History Month

Tragedy of Barbara Bolton's death will sadly not be the last this winter

News of the 87-year-old from Bury’s death in hospital this month following treatment for hypothermia has shocked the country.

  • Homes
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man working in empty office

New employment support programme needed to tackle older workers crisis, MPs told

These are the steps government needs to take if it wants to tackle economic inactivity among older workers.

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an empty desk

Ageing Better responds to proposals to accelerate raising of the state pension age

Chancellor Jeremy Hunt’s team has examined bringing forward a planned rise in the pensionable age 68 by more than a decade.

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Age-friendly employers

Latest labour market data shows government right to prioritise tackling economic inactivity in older workers

New ONS stats shows the labour market appearing to cool with only a small drop in the number of economically inactive older workers.

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Office with older worker

Older workers are on the political radar like never before

We've seen the Prime Minister and others proposing significant policy interventions to encourage older workers back into employment. Now it's time to improve employment support.

  • Work

Latest research from others

Bennie, M., et al., British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology
29 May 2024
This paper outlines the prevalence of polypharmacy (taking five or more medications) amongst older people living in Europe.
Age UK
1 Jun 2024
This report highlights trends in internet usage among older adults in the UK.
Crocker, T, F., et al., Age and Ageing
25 May 2024
This paper presents a typology of community-based interventions to support older people to sustain independence.

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