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Read all the latest news and blogs from the Centre for Ageing Better

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A row of houses with bay windows

We need to stop blaming older homeowners for the failures of housing policy

Media interest this week has once again focussed on the need for more older people to downsize from homes they are using “inefficiently”.

  • Homes
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An open space, half empty office

More than 50 employers sign up to new Age-friendly Employer Pledge within first month of scheme launching

Ageing Better launched the Age-friendly Employer Pledge in November to support employers who recognise the importance of older workers in boosting productivity and filling key skills gaps.

  • Work
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Age-positive images

Age-positive image library

Photos in the image library, which depict older people in non-stereotypical ways, are available to download for free.

  • Age-friendly Movement
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Health at work

How does the Prime Minister plan to encourage more older workers out of early retirement?

Rishi Sunak has reportedly announced plans to use a revamped mid-life MOT scheme to encourage more older people out of early retirement and back into work.

  • Work
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Two women examine products in a warehouse

Older workers hold key for third of UK firms currently experiencing worker shortages

The Office for National Statistics’ (ONS) latest fortnightly business impact survey shows that 32% of businesses, with 10 or more employees, said they were short of staff.

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group of older people chatting together

UK Network of Age-friendly Communities 2022: A year in numbers

Age-friendly Communities across the UK have been working hard this year to make where they live better places to grow old in. Here we reflect on another year of progress towards an Age-friendly UK.

  • Age-friendly Movement
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Landscape of a park

Why I’ll be glad to see the back of 2022

While 2023 promises changes that will enable more of us to age better, there’s no doubt 2022 has been another tough year for many.

  • Age-friendly Movement
  • Work
  • Homes
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Women sitting on bench

Rumours of a ‘Great Unretirement’ are not just premature – they’re damaging

The latest data is challenging the myth that older workers are returning to the jobs market. And now is not the time for complacency.

  • Work

Latest research from others

Rasset, P., Mange, J., Augustinova, M., Frontiers in Psychology
24 May 2024
This review outlines age-related stereotypes faced by older people, and the mechanisms through which they impact mental and physical health.
Bennie, M., et al., British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology
29 May 2024
This paper outlines the prevalence of polypharmacy (taking five or more medications) amongst older people living in Europe.
Schmitz, A., et al., International Journal of Care and Caring
23 May 2024
This paper summarises findings on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on informal carers for older people.

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