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Older man playing football with his son

England’s new regional leaders can lead the way in improving later life

Millions of people will go to the polls in May to decide who will lead a growing number of Mayoral and Combined Authorities.

  • Age-friendly Movement
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Older woman working on computer

Dame Carol Black to lead occupational health taskforce

Centre for Ageing Better Chair Dame Carol Black will lead a new taskforce to improve employer awareness of the benefits of occupational health in the workplace.

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Older people working in a kitchen

What will the retirement of the future look like?

Will working into our 70s become the norm or will retirement vanish altogether for many in the future?

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Older people cooking

New survey reveals half of people don’t believe they will look good when they are old

The new data also reveals that significant proportions of the population have concerns about their mobility, mental function, competency in their jobs, and ability to drive as they get older.

  • Age-friendly Movement
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Older man working as a welder

Older workers will need tailored support to recover from steel plant redundancies

Tata Steel has confirmed it is cutting 2,800 jobs across the UK, including 2,500 at its Port Talbot site.

The steel industry is known for having a high proportion of older workers who are likely to be hit hard by this announcement.

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two women working from a laptop

Are you ageist? England’s first ever anti-ageism campaign launches

Today we're launching Age Without Limits, a hard-hitting new campaign highlighting the issue of ageism.

  • Age-friendly Movement
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Professor Dame Carol Black recognised in New Year Honours List 2024 with senior honour

The Centre for Ageing Better is delighted to congratulate its Chair, Professor Dame Carol Black, on being awarded the Dame Grand Cross of the Order of the British Empire (GBE) in the New Year’s Honours List 2024.

  • Age-friendly Movement
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Wrapped presents laid out across the floor

Ageing Better’s Santa Wish List

This Christmas, our Ageing Better experts are not asking Santa for a Stretch Armstong, a Cabbage Patch Doll or a Thunderbirds Tracey Island.

Instead, we’re asking St Nicholas to sprinkle some of his yuletide magic to bring about lasting societal change in 2024.

  • Age-friendly Movement

Latest research from others

Bennie, M., et al., British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology
29 May 2024
This paper outlines the prevalence of polypharmacy (taking five or more medications) amongst older people living in Europe.
Joshi, M., Finney, N., and Hale, J. M., Ageing and Society
4 Jun 2024
This paper outlines evidence on experiences of loneliness amongst ethnic minority / immigrant older adults.
Baiocco, R. et. al., Frontiers in Psychology
27 May 2024
This study explores how experiences of discrimination, coming out, and personal resilience influence the physical health of older lesbian, gay, and bisexual (LGB) adults living in Italy.

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