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Stretching out - the future of flexible, sustainable work

In the UK the average worker already works 32 hours a week. But the average masks a division for some who would prefer more hours and others less.

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View of Media City in Salford

How can local leadership create better later lives for us all?

How can the right local leadership make the changes urgently needed for better later lives?

  • Age-friendly Movement
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Younger and older person together

Ageing Better responds to decreasing life expectancy figures

The Marmot Review 2020 reveals that life expectancy has failed to increase for the first time in more than 100 years, and for the poorest 10% of women it has actually declined.

  • Age-friendly Movement
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Local leadership can create better later lives for us all

Leadership is needed locally as well as nationally if we’re all going to benefit equally from our longer lives. A key source of that leadership must be local government.  

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Today's children set to reach retirement age in ill-health and disability

New analysis from Ageing Better shows unacceptable inequalities in how long, and how healthily, babies born today in different parts of England can expect to live.

  • Age-friendly Movement
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Older worker looking into camera

Post-Brexit, we will need our older workers more than ever

The government’s post-Brexit immigration plans will bring new urgency to employers’ efforts to retain their workers for as long as they can. Our Age-Friendly Five shows how this can be done.

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Five pound paper notes.

Is the push to online banking putting older people at risk?

High street banks are swiftly closing down ‘non-performing’ branches, resulting in some communities being cut off from their cash. What impact does this have on older people?

  • Age-friendly Movement
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City Of London

Unlocking doors with London Loo Codes

A lack of public toilets in London is being tackled head-on by community forum, London Loo Codes, a Twitter account allowing people to share access codes for toilets located in restaurants, cafes, and other buildings across the city.

  • Age-friendly Movement
  • Homes

Latest research from others

Prosser, R., et al., The Cognitive Behaviour Therapist
24 May 2024
This paper explores the characteristics of older adults who do not opt-in when referred to anxiety and depression support services.
Younes, S., R., Marques, B., and McIntosh, J., Sustainability
28 May 2024
This paper examines the relationship between public spaces and older people’s quality of life.
House of Commons Library
23 May 2024
This report discusses the increasing frequency, duration, and intensity of extreme heat in the UK, and it’s impacts on vulnerable populations (including older people).

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