Experts have warned that action is needed to bridge the digital divide, with new figures showing that in the first two months of this year, nearly one in five (18%) of over 65s said they hadn’t used the internet within the last three months. The Centre for Ageing Better say that in the event of a second lockdown, many are at risk of being left behind as services move online often without offline alternatives.
New figures from the ONS show that internet use has rapidly increased among over-65s in recent years, but at the start of this year a fifth (20%) of over 65s living alone still did not have internet access. Less than half of over 65s (49%) used online banking compared to 90% of 16-34 year olds. Less than a fifth had used the internet to make a medical appointment (19%) or access health services online (17%). Only 53% of over 65s and 77% of 55-64 year olds had a smartphone, compared to over 95% for younger age groups.
During the lockdown, many people turned to the internet for shopping, socialising and accessing services like medical treatment. But there are fears that those without basic digital skills and the means to get online could be left behind – particularly if the UK enters lockdown again.