The UK Network of Age-friendly Communities, facilitated by the Centre for Ageing Better and part of a global movement led by the World Health Organisation, continues to grow and now has 70 places across the country committed to making their community a better place to age in.
Today, over 25 million people are living in an Age-friendly Community in the UK, including towns, boroughs, districts, cities and city regions.
This year’s UK theme for IDOP Know Our Place: Celebrating ageing in our community’s past, present and future is an opportunity for people to get curious and be proud about the place they call home.
A chance to come together across age-groups to discover their place’s past, to celebrate the diverse range of people and places making it a great place to age, and to commit to make the changes that could mean more people can enjoy good later lives in that place – now and in the future.
The day, and in the days that precede and follow it when IDOP events are being held, is an opportunity for everyone to get involved and celebrate the contribution being made by older people in communities across the UK.
Year on year, the activity around IDOP grows and this year there are scores of events organized up and down the country marking the occasion.