This briefing outlines some of the challenges and proposes potential solutions to help achieve timely hospital discharge through health and care teams working closely with home improvement services.
This is a summary of the second meeting of the Good Home Network, a hub for active learning connecting people across England who are exploring ways to improve poor quality homes in their area.
Hospital discharge – How home improvement services can help people come home from hospital safely
National scandal of poor housing for over-55s revealed in new report
New report from the Centre for Ageing Better and Care & Repair England has found that over two million over-55s are living in a home that endangers their health or wellbeing.
Non-decent homes and later life in England: Headline statistics
New report from Ageing Better and Care & Repair England finds that 10 million people across England are set to spend winter in homes that don’t meet the government's basic standard of decency.
Home truths: Housing options and advice for people in later life
This report demonstrates the need for understanding the local context and speaking to local communities when developing information and advice services.