Managing major life changes - deliberative workshop findings
In January and February 2016, Ipsos MORI and the Centre for Ageing Better conducted two day-long deliberative workshops with people aged 45 and over, one in London and one in Birmingham.
The workshops were the final phase of a programme of work conducted by Ipsos MORI for the Centre for Ageing Better, looking at how different groups of people in England are currently experiencing and thinking about later life.
The report and related materials from the earlier phases of this research can be found here. Part of this work involved analysing data from the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing to develop six segments of the population aged 50 and over who are experiencing later life in markedly different ways, in terms of issues such as their health, finanancial security, social connections and overall wellbeing.
These segments were:
Thriving boomers
Downbeat boomers
Can do and connected
Squeezed middle aged
Worried and disconnected
Struggling and alone