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Becoming an age-friendly employer

Becoming an age-friendly employer

The older workforce is already a reality. This guide sets out five simple actions that employers can take now to improve the way they recruit, support and retain older workers.

  • Work
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Bus stop sign

Age-friendly transport for Greater Manchester

Dr Charles Musselwhite sets out recommendations for transportation and mobility change for older people in Greater Manchester.

  • Age-friendly Movement
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Transforming later lives - our strategy

Transforming later lives – our strategy

We are living longer than ever before. Someone aged 65 today can expect to live to 85, nearly ten years longer than their parents’ generation.

  • Age-friendly Movement
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Impact Report 2017-2018

Impact Report 2017-2018

As a society we need to wake up to the profound change in our longevity. The prospect of a 100-year life is an incredible opportunity, but we are woefully under prepared for it.

  • Age-friendly Movement
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Homes that help

Homes that help: A personal and professional perspective on home adaptations

This report summarises the findings of a primary research project exploring the lived experiences of individuals who use home adaptations, and practitioners who work alongside them.

  • Homes
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Take good care: improving support and wellbeing in later life

Take good care: improving support and wellbeing in later life

This new Fabian Society report explores what the left's agenda should be for older people's care. With contributions from Centre for Ageing Better Chair Lord Filkin, Barbara Keeley MP, Jim McMahon MP, Heather Wakefield and more.

  • Age-friendly Movement
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Ideas for the NHS long-term plan

Ideas for the NHS long-term plan from the Centre for Ageing Better

This paper sets out the case for why NHS England should make some bold commitments to healthy ageing in its long-term plan and suggests some ideas for actions it could take and some areas for action with others.

  • Age-friendly Movement
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Publication cover

The digital age: New approaches to supporting people in later life get online

This research highlights a need for a fundamental re-think of digital inclusion policy and practice for people in later life.

  • Age-friendly Movement

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