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The role of home adaptations in improving later life

The role of home adaptations in improving later life

The review aims to provide evidence to make the case for the importance and effectiveness of adaptations, primarily to influence policy-makers at national and local levels, practitioners and local commissioners.

  • Homes
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Addressing worklessness and job insecurity amongst people aged 50 and over in Greater Manchester

Addressing worklessness and job insecurity amongst people aged 50 and over in Greater Manchester

This report from the Centre for Ageing Better calls for a radical rethink to tackle chronic worklessness experienced by the over 50s, with data showing this age group experience an ‘unemployment trap'.

  • Age-friendly Movement
  • Work
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Focus on physical activity can help avoid unnecessary social care

Focus on physical activity can help avoid unnecessary social care

Social care has received substantial media coverage in recent months. There is now acknowledgment of the direct link between the parlous state of the NHS and the social care crisis.

  • Age-friendly Movement
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Evaluation of pilot projects: Supporting people through the transition  into retirement

Evaluation of pilot projects: Supporting people through the transition into retirement

An evaluation of seven pilot projects funded under the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation’s (CGF) (UK Branch) Transitions in Later Life programme.

  • Work
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Evaluation of transitions in later life pilot projects - Executive summary

Evaluation of transitions in later life pilot projects – Executive summary

This is an evaluation of seven pilot projects funded under the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation’s (CGF) (UK Branch) Transitions in Later Life programme.

  • Work
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Evaluation of transitions in later life pilot projects

Evaluation of transitions in later life pilot projects – Executive Summary and Full Report

This is an evaluation of seven pilot projects funded under the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation’s (CGF) (UK Branch) Transitions in Later Life programme.

  • Work
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Age-friendly employers infographics

Age-friendly employers infographics

Work is important financially and is also a major source of social connections. Good quality, fulfilling work is important financially, gives people a sense of purpose and is a major source of social connections.

  • Work
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Contributing to communities infographics

Contributing to communities infographics

We want more people in later life to contribute their skills, knowledge and experience to their communities.

  • Age-friendly Movement

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