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What does it mean to have age-friendly and inclusive volunteering, and whole-system approaches to community-centred public health?
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Longer working lives can benefit our individual finances and the economy – but Coronavirus risks setting back the progress we've made.
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We've launched a new toolkit for employers on the steps they can take to introduce and manage flexible working in their workplaces.
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Improving England's housing stock will have massive benefits for people's safety and health, but also have a positive impact on the economy and the strain on the NHS.
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About 1 in 5 homes in England do not meet the national standard to be considered in decent condition. These are more likely to be lived in by people identified as most at risk from the virus, new report shows.
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A new report by the Commission on Alcohol Harm has concluded that a new UK-wide alcohol strategy is urgently required.
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Learning from lockdown: Priorities for the future (online version)
Read the online version of our report on the impact of COVID-19 on people approaching later life.
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Improving health resilience and maximising the economic contribution of 50-70 year olds will be crucial to support economic recovery and growth, new report says.
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