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The birthday cards we see often have ageist jokes on them. How do we tackle this form of ageism?
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The cost-of-living crisis is not only going to affect older people now, but future generations too. These are the actions that need taking.
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Chancellor Jeremy Hunt has unveiled his Autumn Statement, detailing the restoration of the triple lock and the extension of the energy price guarantee.
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As Disability History Month begins, it's important to think about why older people with impairments are rarely considered ‘Disabled’.
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As we remember the service of all those that have defended our freedoms at this time of year, it's important to consider the challenges that veterans face when returning to civilian life.
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How can the stories told by the media about older adults impact our attitudes towards ageing?
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Each year on 1st October, Age-friendly Communities across the world mark UN International Day of Older Persons (IDOP).
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Ageing Better brought together dozens of age-friendly councillors from around the country to share experiences and lessons learned.
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Lord Foulkes of Cumnock has added his voice to those calling for greater representation of older people’s rights.
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There’s a wealth of knowledge and experience in the world of ageing and Age-friendly Communities, and a strong culture of sharing. Learning from one another can help us make ageing better a reality in our communities.
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