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Older woman sitting on a chair

Four steps to becoming an Age-friendly Community

Joining the World Health Organisation’s Global Network of Age-friendly Cities and Communities, means committing to developing your place as age-friendly through a four-step programme cycle.
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A unique group of people - called 'supercentenarians' - are living to age 110 or more. But will the rest of us be as lucky?
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What is the role of individuals, employers and policy makers in supporting people to plan for life beyond 50?
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As part of the UK Network of Age-friendly Communities, representatives from Age-friendly Cheshire West recently visited the Isle of Wight to learn about the work being done there.
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With the population demographic changing, there's now a huge chance for the next government to create a society where we all have the opportunity to age well and enjoy our later lives.
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Women face financial disadvantages throughout their lives. This can lead to serious inequalities in later life.
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After the 14th November, women are said to 'work for free' for the rest of the year as a result of the gender pay gap. But how does the gap affect women in later life?
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The Centre for Ageing Better appoints David Orr as Associate Director for Housing and Justin Newman as Director of Strategy and Partnerships.
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A new project has been exploring the experience of older people living in urban places.
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On the International Day of Older Persons, communities across the UK came together to call for an end to ageist discrimination.
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