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Leadership is needed locally as well as nationally if we’re all going to benefit equally from our longer lives. A key source of that leadership must be local government.  
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New analysis from Ageing Better shows unacceptable inequalities in how long, and how healthily, babies born today in different parts of England can expect to live.
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High street banks are swiftly closing down ‘non-performing’ branches, resulting in some communities being cut off from their cash. What impact does this have on older people?
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A lack of public toilets in London is being tackled head-on by community forum, London Loo Codes, a Twitter account allowing people to share access codes for toilets located in restaurants, cafes, and other buildings across the city.
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Blaming baby boomers for inequalities will get us nowhere as we must look at the differences between 'old' and 'rich'.
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Members of Age-friendly of Sefton visited Leeds late in 2019, to find out about the work being done there to make it the best city to grow old in.
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Cities across the UK are planning serious regeneration projects. But are they considering the needs of older people?
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The hunt for a 'cure' for ageing is looking more promising than ever. But can we really slow down the ageing process?
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Already around a third of all people in the UK are over 50 and despite a recent stalling in increases in lifespan, we’re still on average due to live much longer than our parents and grandparents.
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If the Government doesn't address some of today's most pressing issues, it will fail to seize the opportunities that an ageing population brings.
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