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Preview Photo of Christos, Parliamentary and Public Affairs Officer


Parliamentary and Public Affairs Officer
Christos leads Ageing Better’s parliamentary engagement and is part of a public affairs team working to ensure policymaking better adapts to the UK’s ageing population.

Christos plays a key role advocating for, and responding to, policy developments to help ensure that more people have the chance to age better. He works across Ageing Better’s policy areas to develop policy and influencing strategy aimed at preparing the UK for the complex challenges of an ageing population.

He helps keep colleagues abreast of key political developments and works to build a network of advocates in Parliament.

Christos previously worked for the National Federation of Cypriots in the UK, advocating on behalf of the UK Cypriot community and overseeing the organisation’s external communications.

Articles written by Christos

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Ageing Better has been in attendance at the Conservative and Labour Party Conferences in Manchester and Liverpool over the last two weeks.
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The recently passed Flexible Working Act and Carer’s Leave Act are both a real win for employees, especially those with caring responsibilities or health conditions.

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