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Our events bring people, organisations and experts together to share knowledge and experience.

Event room with lots of people

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row of houses with cars outside

Finding funds, fixing homes: innovation in local authority provision of home improvement grants and loans

Finance is a fundamental barrier facing people who want to make improvements to their home. Learn how local areas are tailoring financial solutions to meet the needs of their residents.

  • Homes
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view of a sunny seaside pier with people enjoying the sunshine

An introduction to Age-friendly Communities

What is an Age-friendly Community? Learn about the WHO Age-friendly Communities framework and what can be achieved through becoming one.

  • Age-friendly Movement
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terraced houses

Event: Building effective local home improvement services: Good Home Hubs

What is a Good Home Hub? Learn about this comprehensive model for home improvement services and how it can benefit people living in your area.

  • Homes
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Exterior of a house with level access flooring

Housing quality and people’s health: making the case for improving health through housing

Homes should be places of warmth and safety but for millions of people, their homes cause falls, asthma, heart problems, joint problems, and many more conditions. Understand how local areas are creating joint solutions across the health, care and housing sectors.

  • Homes

Past events

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City centre with people

The future of ageing: Ageing better / Ageing badly?

What might the future of ageing look like and how can we bring about lasting changes in society that make a difference to peoples' experiences of later life?

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Family group sitting on a wall in a park

Economy and inequality in the UK

What’s a fair way of distributing wealth through generations?

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woman shopping

How can business meet the Grand Challenge on Ageing?

This breakfast debate explored the opportunities that the ‘grand challenge’ of an ageing population presents.

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Handyman installing housing adaptation

Room to improve: innovation and good practice in housing adaptations conference

This conference launched our latest report: Adapting for Ageing. We were delighted to welcome special guest: Nick Knowles, who hosted a panel discussion on home adaptations.

  • Homes
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two women smiling

Loneliness and isolation: an age-old story, not just a story of old age

We hosted a breakfast debate in Leeds to explore this powerfully emotive topic and considered what we can all do to create and maintain friendships and connections to last us a lifetime.

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notebook and pen

A message to myself: planning and preparing for later life

We held a panel event that explored what enables people to plan for their later lives, and the challenges they may face along the way.

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Speaker at the event

Mind the digital gap

How do we tackle digital exclusion in later life? We held a debate to discuss how society should respond to the issue of digital exclusion in later life, now and in the future.

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Old aged, p****d off

Ageism: the last taboo

Ageing is still a taboo in our society. We held a debate about how we could take steps to collectively change this.

Latest research from others

House of Commons Library
2 May 2024
This report outlines new fire safety regulations that have been introduced because of the Grenfell Tower fire. Framed within research that identifies older people as at greatest risk of dying in a…
Kilgour, A., et al., Age and Ageing
22 Apr 2024
This systematic review summarises international evidence on barriers and motivators to physical activity amongst adults aged 70 and over. Drawing on 73 studies, it identifies key barriers such as…
Age UK
19 May 2024
This report outlines the current evidence on pensioner poverty in the UK. Based on DWP annual statistics, it finds 16% of UK pensioners as living in relative poverty, with higher-than average risk…

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