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people working in an office

Women in their 40s and 50s earning 20% less than their male peers, according to new figures

New figures from the Office for National Statistics show that the gender pay gap is around five times wider for people in their 40s and 50s compared to those aged 22-29.

  • Work
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high street

This week’s Spending Review must get it right for later life

COVID-19 has exacerbated the stark health inequalities in Britain and negatively impacted older workers. The government must take action to address these issues.

  • Age-friendly Movement
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older people shopping

London high streets need to maximise the grey pound

Many older people want to go and spend in their high street but feel shut out, finding it difficult. How can we make high streets more age-friendly?

  • Age-friendly Movement
  • Homes
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older man sitting down

Exploring the impact of lockdown on older adults' mental health

Whilst the last year and a half has been stressful for us all, it’s clear that it has had a disproportionate impact on the mental wellbeing of people who were already disadvantaged before the pandemic struck. It's time to address these inequalities.

  • Age-friendly Movement
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older woman walking

How can we help people stay active in later life?

What are the barriers to over 50s staying active? And what work is being done to address these barriers?

  • Age-friendly Movement
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older woman working

An employment lawyer’s perspective on age discrimination

Older workers who are made redundant find it harder to find alternative employment. What can employers do to promote inclusivity and age diversity in their workplace?

  • Work
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older woman working

Ageism will lock older workers out of employment as furlough ends, experts warn

Employers could be missing out on the benefits of an intergenerational workforce, with the OECD finding that age diversity in the workforce could boost GDP by 19% in the next 30 years.

  • Work
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woman cycling

Greater Manchester committed to widening access and participation in active travel

Active travel is key to people being happier, healthier and more connected. And yet levels of active travel drop off rapidly with age. How then, can we consider opportunities to increase levels of participation?

  • Age-friendly Movement

Latest research from others

Thomas, G. M., Ageing and Society
24 Apr 2024
This paper looks at how older people reflect on the meaning of ageing whilst participating in sports and leisure activities. Based on interviews with 65 adults over the age of 50 living in the UK, it…
Age UK
18 May 2024
This article discusses the barriers faced by older people who are not online looking for support when applying for Housing Benefits and/or Council Tax Reductions. Based on 220 calls made to 110…
Irwin Mitchell
16 May 2024
This report provides insights into the senior housing sector in England. Drawing on survey research and national statistics, this report ranks all England’s local planning authorities on the presence…

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