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Non-decent homes and later life in England: Headline statistics

New report from Ageing Better and Care & Repair England finds that 10 million people across England are set to spend winter in homes that don’t meet the government's basic standard of decency.

  • Homes
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The age-friendly workplace: mental health and wellbeing

Employers must consider mental health and wellbeing for their older workers if they are to ensure they create an environment where everyone can feel at ease.

  • Work
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Nottingham round table

If we want to become supercentenarians, a stronger focus on prevention is needed

A unique group of people - called 'supercentenarians' - are living to age 110 or more. But will the rest of us be as lucky?

  • Age-friendly Movement
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woman behind the counter of a shop

Life beyond 50

What is the role of individuals, employers and policy makers in supporting people to plan for life beyond 50?

  • Age-friendly Movement
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Isle of Wight

Learning from other Age-friendly Communities

As part of the UK Network of Age-friendly Communities, representatives from Age-friendly Cheshire West recently visited the Isle of Wight to learn about the work being done there.

  • Age-friendly Movement
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Work group

Ageing needs to dominate this election - but not as conflict between millenials and boomers

With the population demographic changing, there's now a huge chance for the next government to create a society where we all have the opportunity to age well and enjoy our later lives.

  • Age-friendly Movement
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Planning for later life

It’s good to talk: how emotional support can aid later-life planning

At our breakfast debate in November we explored the role of individuals, employers and policy makers in supporting people to plan for life beyond 50.

  • Work
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Woman on bridge

How a lifetime of income inequalities can stack up against women in later life

Women face financial disadvantages throughout their lives. This can lead to serious inequalities in later life.

  • Age-friendly Movement

Latest research from others

McGarry, P. et al., University of Manchester
25 Jun 2024
This guide from the Greater Manchester Ageing Hub brings together insights from age-friendly leaders on the role of leadership in driving age-friendly initiatives.
Bennie, M., et al., British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology
29 May 2024
This paper outlines the prevalence of polypharmacy (taking five or more medications) amongst older people living in Europe.
Age UK
28 May 2024
This paper outlines the experiences of adults aged 50 and over accessing health and social care in the UK.

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