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Read all the latest news and blogs from the Centre for Ageing Better

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Exercise programme

Response to Sport England's figures on extra million people becoming physically active

According to new figures from Sport England, there has been an increase in the number of older people taking part in physical activities.

  • Age-friendly Movement
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Strength and balance class

Ageing Better leads over 60 organisations in setting out shared vision for healthy ageing

Ageing Better and Public Health England (PHE), along with over 60 organisations, will work together to make England the best country in the world to grow old.

  • Age-friendly Movement
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David Lloyd

We must give future generations the gift of healthy ageing

We want to create a society where everyone in England has the best access to services in order to enjoy a good later life through healthy ageing.

  • Age-friendly Movement
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Chapel Market

1 in 3 of us plan to work beyond the state pension age. Is this a good thing?

Stuart Lewis, Chief Executive Officer at Rest Less, explores different people’s reasons for continuing to work beyond State Pension age.

  • Work
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gorse hill allotment

Cultivating resilience: community gardening can benefit all ages

The Growing Connections project is supporting community gardens to be age-friendly and inclusive in everything they do.

  • Age-friendly Movement
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Shed workers

Response to new report warning smaller firms about shortage of skilled workers

New report warns smaller firms face losing tens of thousands of pounds in the coming year because of the shortage of skilled workers.

  • Work
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Older people playing dominoes

Local leaders pledge to stamp out ‘outdated attitudes’ to ageing

On International Day of Older Persons, mayors and council leaders across the UK have pledged to tackle ageism

  • Age-friendly Movement
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Woman seated at a table, using a laptop

Let’s stop talking about technology ‘for’ older people

Age-tech is a hot topic at the moment. But what are the limitations of specialist products for older people?

  • Age-friendly Movement

Latest research from others

Welch, V., et al., Campbell Systematic Reviews
20 May 2024
This paper summaries evidence on interventions to mitigate social isolation and loneliness, including for older people.
Bennie, M., et al., British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology
29 May 2024
This paper outlines the prevalence of polypharmacy (taking five or more medications) amongst older people living in Europe.
Solem, P. et al., Nordic Journal of Working Life Studies
1 Jun 2024
The paper explores the experiences and exit preferences of older employees as workplaces become increasingly digital.

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