Age-positive image library

Photos in the image library, which depict older people in non-stereotypical ways, are available to download for free.
Positive and realistic depictions of later life
We've created the first free library showing positive and realistic images of over 50s in a bid to challenge negative and stereotypical views of older age. The photos show a more realistic depiction of ageing – to help tackle ageism and challenge the idea that all older people are frail and vulnerable. The library, which contains over 3,000 images and is regularly updated, offers journalists, organisations and individuals a wide selection of images.
Photos in the library are free for use across your presentations and websites, and they cover themes related to ageing such as health, homes and employment. You can access a preview of our image library below. You can also download our simple guide to using the image library and guidance around commissioning age-positive images.
If you've been photographed for our age-positive image library, you can find our full privacy notice here.