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Age-friendly Movement

We want to change the way we all think about ageing and support a growing movement of people and organisations working to make society more age-inclusive.

More than 6,000 people have signed up to our campaign newsletter.

two women working from a laptop

Age Without Limits is a new campaign from Ageing Better. Launched in January 2024, The Age Without Limits campaign aims to change the way we all think about ageing and support a growing movement of people and organisations working to make society more age-inclusive. 

Our campaign runs activities across the year to change how we all think and act about ageing.

Why do we need Age Without Limits?

Ageism is the prejudice that’s hidden in plain sight. It’s embedded in our society and even accepted as normal by those of us who are older. We see and hear casual ageism every day in the media, on TV, at work, in pubs / cafes, on social media, in family conversations. Ageism is often dismissed as being harmless, but research shows that ageist ideas or beliefs can be incredibly damaging for us as individuals and for wider society.

How can I get involved?

Ready to be part of creating a future where everyone can age without limits? Find out what you can do to challenge ageism, whatever your age by visiting our campaign website.


Age-friendly Movement

Outside of the Age Without Limits campaign, Ageing Better will continue our work to address ageism via our Age-friendly Movement work:  

  • Through the UK Network of Age-friendly Communities: a growing movement, with over 60 places across the country committed to making their community a better place to age in. Almost 25 million people are living in an Age-friendly Community, including places like Greater Manchester and Cardiff. Ageing Better works with the Network to provide guidance, connect places and offer support to member communities as they work towards making their services and infrastructure more age-friendly.
  • Continuing our call for an independent commissioner to champion the rights of older people and ensure policymaking considers the needs of England's ageing population.
  • Looking at how older people are depicted by the UK film industry. 
  • Through our Age-positive image library which tackles ageism by presenting a more realistic depiction of ageing
  • With organisations who’ve signed the Age-friendly Employer Pledge to look at how companies can recruit and retain older workers 
  • By promoting our guidance for organisations on talking about and challenging ageism

Featured guides

Preview older woman outside
For professionals

Challenging ageism: A guide to talking about ageing and older age

This guide is designed as a practical tool to support organisations in communicating about ageing and older age.
Preview two older women writing on a clip board and talking
For employers

Becoming an Age-friendly Employer

Sign up to the Age-friendly Employer Pledge and show you recognise the value of older workers.
Preview older man walking with younger woman
For professionals

Age-positive images: Guide and terms to using our image library

This simple guide includes tips on commissioning your own photography that represents the reality and diversity of later life.
Preview Woman hugging her friend
For local areas

Becoming an Age-friendly Community

An Age-friendly Community is a place where any one can live a healthy and active later life. These places make it possible for people to stay living in their homes, participate in activities, and contribute to their communities.
Preview Group of older people talking
For journalists

Media guidelines for reporting on ageing and older age

This guidance – available on the Independent Press Standards Organisation's (IPSO) external resources for journalists – is designed to ensure that older people are more accurately represented in the media.
Preview Ageism explainer video
For advertisers

Guidance on causing offence around age

This guidance, from the Advertising Standards Authority, was created to ensure non-broadcast advertisers avoid causing harm or widespread offense on the grounds of age.
Preview grow guide thumbnail
For employers

Good Recruitment for Older Workers: A guide for employers

More than a third of 50-70 year olds feel at a disadvantage applying for jobs due to their age. This recruitment guide sets out five key actions to help organisations become more age-inclusive.

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