Most people want to live in their own home, in the communities they belong to, for as long as possible. But far too many older people are currently living in homes that are endangering their lives.
Much of the housing in England is dangerous or unsuitable for older people. Homes are not safe or warm. They have hazards and are inaccessible for someone with a disability. This needlessly costs society millions each year in NHS and social care costs. We want to make homes more age-friendly so that more people can remain living independently, healthily and happily as they grow older.
Our work to make homes safe and suitable as we get older
Explore our evidence briefings to understand the scale of the problem in older people’s housing
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Case studies
Hear directly from people living in unsafe housing in our case study stories.
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Policy solutions
Our policy analysis provides costed solutions for aimed at national policy makers and we have been campaigning with partners to bring about these changes.
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Good Home Hub model
We have a range of materials for local areas interested in expanding their home improvement offer including our Good Home Hub model.
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