This briefing outlines some of the challenges and proposes potential solutions to help home improvement services to support people living in cold homes.
This is a summary of the third meeting of the Good Home Network, a hub for active learning connecting people across England who are exploring ways to improve poor quality homes in their area.
Living in a cold home - how home improvement services can help people to stay warm and healthy.
Living in a cold home: A Good Home Network briefing
Room to improve: innovation and good practice in housing adaptations conference
This conference launched our latest report: Adapting for Ageing. We were delighted to welcome special guest: Nick Knowles, who hosted a panel discussion on home adaptations.
Action needed on housing with many homes still failing basic standards
Number of households occupied by over 65s has increased dramatically, by 20% since 2008, with many older people still living in homes deemed hazardous, in disrepair, or too cold.
Homes that help: A personal and professional perspective on home adaptations
This report summarises the findings of a primary research project exploring the lived experiences of individuals who use home adaptations, and practitioners who work alongside them.
Stigmatising products put people off making vital changes to keep their homes safe
Research shows people are delaying making vital changes to homes because of the clinical and stigmatising appearance of products like handrails and ramps.