Upskilling employability workers: Final report
This slide deck summarises the findings of new training for employability support advisors in Greater Manchester on how to better support older jobseekers.
This project piloted training for employment support advisors on the Working Well Work and Health Programme in Greater Manchester on how to better support jobseekers aged 50 and over.
Older jobseekers typically fare worse in accessing new employment. This training aimed to address some of the barriers facing over 50s, such as poorer health and more limited skill sets in comparison to some of their younger counterparts.
The findings revealed that the training format and content were generally well received, with average self-reported scores on how well equipped the trainers felt in supporting older jobseekers rising across every area as a result of the training.
The project is a partnership between:
- Centre for Ageing Better
- Institute of Employability Professionals
- APM/Ingeus
- Greater Manchester Combined Authority
The slide deck provides a detailed review of the project, including testimony from trainers and insights for future training.