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Access all our resources, including reports and infographics, on age-friendly society, work and homes.

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Supporting carers

Supporting carers back into work: Insights from the Working Potential project

This report looks at the needs of those with caring responsibilities trying to seek employment and how they can be supported back into work.

  • Work
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Report cover

Doddery but dear?: Examining age-related stereotypes

Despite profound changes to the age structure of our society, ageism is still rife. This report looks at the role and impact of language and stereotypes in framing old age and ageing in the UK.

  • Age-friendly Movement
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Non-decent homes

Home and dry: The need for decent homes in later life

The Centre for Ageing Better and Care & Repair England's new report reveals that over two million over-55s are living in a home that endangers their health or wellbeing.

  • Homes
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Transforming later lives

Priorities for government: Transforming later lives

We are calling on the government to act with urgency, to put ageing at the heart of its policies and to take a truly cross-government approach. We must act now to secure a better future for everyone.

  • Age-friendly Movement
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Ageing and mobility

Ageing and mobility: A grand challenge

Mobility and transport are key in helping people to remain healthy, active and connected in later life. This report explores how the current transport system is complex and fragmented, leading to barriers in innovation and collaboration to support healthier later lives.

  • Age-friendly Movement
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Mid-life support

Mid-life support: Insights for employers

This report highlights the importance of providing support to employees in mid-life as a way of helping them stay in work for longer if they want to, plan for what they will need in retirement, and think ahead about their future needs.

  • Work
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Navigating later life transitions

Navigating later life transitions: An evaluation of emotional and psychological interventions

This evaluation looks at group-based courses that provide psychological and emotional support for later life transitions.

  • Work
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Innovation and investment

Industrial Strategy Challenge Fund (ISCF) Healthy ageing innovation and investment in the UK

This paper provides a discussion on where further investment and innovation is necessary and proposes how the Industrial Strategy Challenge Fund can fill identified gaps and complement existing initiatives.

  • Age-friendly Movement

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