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Ensuring more older workers see a future in hospitality key to sector’s future success

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We often hear that age is just a number. Yet like the best clichés when it comes to working in the brewing and pub industry it’s built on rock solid truth.

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Saga – supporting 'Generation Experience'

Roisin Mackenzie is Chief People Officer of Saga, which fully supports the Age-friendly Employer Pledge. Here Roisin provides an outline of the company’s practices that might inspire other employers.

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Harry's story: Age is an asset

Have you got a story to tell about getting older that will challenge people to think differently? Get in touch with us by emailing [email protected] 

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How do you create a menopause-friendly workplace?

On World Menopause Day, three Age-friendly Employer Pledge employers discuss the policies and practices they have successfully put in place.  

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