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Stories and Case Studies

Read all the latest case studies and personal stories from the Centre for Ageing Better

Older couple looking onto a river

Find out more about examples of good practice and people's experiences of growing older.

If you would like to share with us your experiences of ageing, so that we can use them in our communications, we'd love to hear from you.

The views and opinions expressed in these stories are those of the authors where directly quoted. They do not necessarily reflect the policy or positions of the Centre for Ageing Better.

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Latest stories and case studies

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michael and his husband Johnny sitting together with their dog

Why Michael is #AgeingWithPride

"I’d say Britain is ageist. I hope that it’s getting better, and I think that over time attitudes will improve."

  • Age-friendly Movement
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Older woman smiling at camera

Challenging ageism in Age-friendly Communities: Bristol’s Age Proud campaign

This case study looks at how Age-friendly Bristol challenged negative perceptions of older age – in a style fitting of the city’s vibrant culture.

  • Age-friendly Movement
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radio recording

Age-friendly case study: Community radio for and by people in later life

This set of case studies highlights four organisations across Age-friendly Communities who have set up radio programmes with and for older listeners.

  • Age-friendly Movement
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A few houses on a street

Pauline's voice - Good homes for all

Ever since needing a wheelchair, Pauline's home doesn't work for her – she's recently been confined to the ground floor of her three-bedroom home.

  • Homes
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desktop screens

Michael's voice - COVID-19 and the digital divide

“If anyone needs to get out and do things, do it on a computer. It’s a fantastic freedom”.

  • Age-friendly Movement
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man holding phone

Pat's voice - COVID-19 and the digital divide

“We talk about anything and nothing – it’s a lifeline for someone like me… If I can’t find out about something – she looks things up for me on the computer.”

  • Age-friendly Movement
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man on laptop at home

Age UK – COVID-19 and the digital divide

“Being adaptable and flexible enough to deliver our support remotely during the pandemic has meant that we’ve continued to help older people at a time when they need us the most.”

  • Age-friendly Movement
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Two people sitting on an age-friendly bench

‘Couch to Out and About’: age-friendly walking in Greater Manchester

Tameside Council in Greater Manchester is encouraging older residents to be more physically active and socialise through walking.

  • Age-friendly Movement

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