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Being an unpaid carer can be challenging and overwhelming. It’s vital that we share their stories, and make sure they're represented and supported.
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Advertising and social media can drastically change how we see ourselves – often for the worse.
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The first release of Census 2021 data reveals that the proportion and growth rate of older populations in England and Wales varies significantly in different locations.
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It's time we begin identifying individual minority ethnic groups in data collection and stop grouping all ethnic minorities as BAME.
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The 2021 Census reveals almost one in five of people living in England is aged 65 or older. This only furthers the case for an Older People and Ageing Commissioner.
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Working alongside people with lived experience and local stakeholders, we found out what's not working when it comes to providing employment support for over 50s.
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Partnering with the Greater Manchester Combined Authority and DWP, this project looks at developing effective approaches to providing employment support for over 50s.
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Preview Dave sitting on a side by side bicycle

Dave's voice - Picture Yourself Active

Dave shares his experiences of getting active, and his thoughts on the issue of representation that the age-positive image library was created to challenge.
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