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Challenging ageism in Age-friendly Communities: Bristol’s Age Proud campaign

This case study looks at how Age-friendly Bristol challenged negative perceptions of older age – in a style fitting of the city’s vibrant culture.
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The House of Commons recently debated whether the UK is the best country to be an older person. Unfortunately we're far from that being a reality.
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This report outlines key insights from the Healthy Ageing 2021 conference, themed around ‘Creating societal change through inspiration, innovation and impact.
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New evidence from the COVID-19 pandemic highlights how stronger local connections are linked to better wellbeing, particularly as we age.
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Ageism is the most widespread form of discrimination in the UK. And it will likely impact us all at some point, particularly as we get older.
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Our image library has been shortlisted for this year’s Charity Awards, for its positive and realistic portrayals of people aged 50+.
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Research conducted for Ageing Better is showing that lockdowns have had a profound effect on the way older people are using the internet.
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The Queen’s Speech again fails to include legislation granting Carers’ Leave or flexible working for all employees from day one.
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This week’s Queen’s Speech is the optimum moment for the UK Government to make good on its commitments to flexible working and Carers’ Leave.
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The Levelling Up White Paper has made closing the gap in healthy life expectancy one of its missions. This is how Age-friendly Communities can help.
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