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Our Chief Executive, Carole Easton, has agreed to become an Advisory Group member to help ensure the Commission uses the best possible range of external evidence.
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Preview michael and his husband Johnny sitting together with their dog

Why Michael is #AgeingWithPride

"I’d say Britain is ageist. I hope that it’s getting better, and I think that over time attitudes will improve."
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Deepening devolution to metro and county regions is a key strand in the government's approach to Levelling Up. This will create huge potential to make older people's lives better.
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We urge the government and communities to do more to adapt for our ageing population, in response to new England & Wales Census 2021 data released today.
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A guide to data, indicators and other ways to understand how well people are ageing in your local area.
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People walking in city centre

How we created 'The State of Ageing in Leeds'

Based on our experiences on creating 'The State of Ageing in Leeds', this is an example of the concrete steps that you can take with the principles of a data-led approach, informed by this approach.
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The chief executive of the International Longevity Centre UK and crossbench peer has sadly passed away.
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This week, the government confirmed that it is looking to reinstate the triple lock guarantee on the state pension next April after its suspension for the 2022/23 tax year.
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A new report, commissioned by the Centre for Ageing Better, reveals the number of 65-year-olds living in absolute income poverty more than doubled in the two years after the process to increase the state pension age to 66 began
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A report that we commissioned reveals nearly 100,000 more people have been pushed into poverty while waiting to collect their state pension.
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