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Many older people want to go and spend in their high street but feel shut out, finding it difficult. How can we make high streets more age-friendly?
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Age-friendly case study: Community radio for and by people in later life

This set of case studies highlights four organisations across Age-friendly Communities who have set up radio programmes with and for older listeners.
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Whilst the last year and a half has been stressful for us all, it’s clear that it has had a disproportionate impact on the mental wellbeing of people who were already disadvantaged before the pandemic struck. It's time to address these inequalities.
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What are the barriers to over 50s staying active? And what work is being done to address these barriers?
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Active travel is key to people being happier, healthier and more connected. And yet levels of active travel drop off rapidly with age. How then, can we consider opportunities to increase levels of participation?
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Our new report emphasises that well-designed neighbourhoods that enable people to walk and cycle are vital to helping people in their 50s and 60s stay active.
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This report summarises the findings of our work on active travel and, for the first time, sets out the factors that govern active travel behaviours in people aged 50 to 70.
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Tackling the climate emergency is an urgent issue that requires an intergenerational approach. Communities across the UK are ensuring the voices of older people are heard.
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Explore what Age-friendly Communities are doing locally to tackle the climate emergency.
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Age-friendly Communities are offering an opportunity for action, with local authorities across the country leading the charge in tackling the crisis and declaring climate emergencies.
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