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This briefing presents the findings of recent research from the Universities of Sussex and Manchester. It looks at ethnic inequalities in health in later life in the UK.
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New study reveals stark ethnic health inequalities across the population, with differences in health among different groups particularly pronounced in later life.
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During the pandemic, quieter roads and the rapid deployment of infrastructure led to an increase in cycling. It’s crucial that we continue this increased uptake in active travel for 50-70 year olds.
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Learn more about developing your strategic plan and action plans to achieve desired outcomes for your Age-friendly Community.
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Physical inactivity is a major risk factor for the development of poor health in later life and active travel is one way to improve levels of physical activity.
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This report describes the key insights from a programme of activity rolled out to increase the understanding of design amongst solution providers in the healthy ageing market.
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Many older Black men are faced with the reality of the double jeopardy of ethnic inequalities and ageism. However, these issues are often unseen, unknown and unsupported.
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Contrary to popular belief, inclusive design can be both attractive and affordable. What we need is better advice and information so we can build accessible and inclusive homes that work for all of us.
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COVID-19 has exacerbated the stark health inequalities in Britain and negatively impacted older workers. The government must take action to address these issues.
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