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The State of Ageing in 2020 captures a snapshot of how people in the UK are ageing today, while looking at past trends and our prospects if action isn't taken.
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This chapter sets the scene for how people in the UK are ageing today and the impact that COVID-19 is having on health inequalities.
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The first lockdown has seen a surge in community activity – but in many cases the people who are struggling to get by are missing out.
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Our flagship report gives a snapshot of ageing today and in the future, focusing on our priority areas of work, housing, health and communities and how they affect people's lives.
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Poor health, unsafe housing, financial inequalities and a lack of social connections have exacerbated the impact of coronavirus across the country, according to our report.
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Preview Out and About Cards

Out and About Cards

Out and About Cards were developed on the Isle of Wight as part of the Island’s COVID recovery. The idea came from a member of the Age Friendly Island’s Older Persons Steering Group, a small working group of older people interested in influencing policy and decision-making.
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In this webinar we examined the role that poverty plays in healthy ageing, and heard what organisations are doing to address this major determinant of health inequality.
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Preview Steve

Why Steve is #AgeProud

"You do get reflective when you think about retirement, and about your kids and grandkids. I have all these special skills and I don’t want to lose them, but now I can help my kids set up their homes, helping with practical stuff and passing these skills on."
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Preview Michi

Why Michi is #AgeProud

"Whatever age you are, it’s always the oldest you’ve ever been! People always say that they’ve changed so much and they would never want to be in their 20s again for example. But I’ve always felt exactly the same!"
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Preview Chris #AgeProud

Why Chris is #AgeProud

"I’ve used a lot of WhatsApp this year which has been a lifeline. I became a grandmother for the first time this year. It’s been so hard not being able to see my grandson, I worry he won’t remember me."
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