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The pandemic has been hard on everyone – but we have not all experienced it equally. In this end of year message, our Chief Executive emphasises the need for action.
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The coronavirus pandemic offers society the opportunity to rethink where we work and how we live, so why not create environments that help us to age better?
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Age-friendly case study: Crowdfund Sunderland

A new initiative from Sunderland City Council enables local organisations to fund and deliver projects that matter to their local area.
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This report draws on the findings of a ‘Real Time Evaluation’ (RTE) of the Leeds Neighbourhood Networks during the pandemic, as a way to understand and share learning about their response.
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The Physiological Society's findings highlight the negative impact the COVID-19 pandemic and lockdowns have had on physical activity for those in older age groups and the need for action.
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Brighton & Hove's Ageing Well partnership, made up of nine local organisations led by charity Impact Initiatives, worked to ensure that thousands of older people had access to food and contact each week during the pandemic.
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A new report that lays bare inequalities across the country shows that older women can expect to be financially worse off in later life and have poorer health than men.
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People from Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic backgrounds face multiple challenges as they get older. It’s vital we address these.
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In recent findings, Drink Wise, Age Well has found that loss of purpose and retirement are key factors for increased alcohol use in over 50s.
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This online, interactive report captures a snapshot of how people in the UK are ageing today, while looking at past trends and our prospects if action isn't taken.
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