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The uncertainty around lifting the state pension age to 68 has again highlighted the need for better long-term planning for our ageing population.
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New rules for taking part in elections in England mean voters must show identification when they go to their polling station for local elections in May.
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Photographers have one month left to enter the competition run by the Centre for Ageing Better and content licensing platform Alamy to create more age-friendly images.
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There have been more candidates called Alex than candidates aged over 40 since the BBC first launched The Apprentice in 2005.
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Ageing Better is one of four organisations leading the call for a Commissioner for Older People and Ageing in England, in a newly-launched campaign.
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Preview Colin talking in a meeting

Colin's story - 'unretiring' as an older worker

Colin, Training Officer at Bolton Council, shares his experience of enjoying a new career in his 60s.
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This briefing paper looks at the increasingly important role of Mayoral Combined Authorities in addressing demographic change through devolution.
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Mayors and Combined Authorities have the potential to play a big part in better ageing. This is what some of them are doing.
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For International Women’s Day, we look at how gender stereotypes, discrimination and bias all become more damaging and detrimental for women as they get older.
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As the economic gloom continues, some argue that intergenerational inequalities lie at the heart of the problem.
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