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This paper looks at the inclusion of older characters in British films over the last decade, how often they're included and how they're portrayed.
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Our study shows older characters are underrepresented in British films, with only one in ten older characters involved in major plotline.
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The impact of age-based prejudice has a life-changing impact on people across health services, employment, housing and in almost every aspect of society.
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Our latest report outlines the urgent need for our major public campaign to shift ageist attitudes, due to launch later this year.
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This paper gives an overview of the harm that ageism causes to both individuals and society.
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If you don’t think that ageism is a serious issue that urgently needs addressing, maybe these facts will make you think again.
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This new campaign aims to change the way we all think about ageing and support a growing movement of people and organisations working to make society more age-inclusive.
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