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How to beat the wrinkles and look great over 80!

For too long ageing and those approaching later life have been depicted in a negative light, with imagery and language used to show them as frail and vulnerable. That's why we created our free image library.

  • Age-friendly Movement
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Couple in the park

We need to tackle wealth inequalities to improve our nation’s health

Life expectancy in the UK has begun to stall and even reverse for some groups and the time spent living with one or more persistent health conditions has increased, threatening the quality of our later life.

  • Age-friendly Movement
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How COVID-19 widened the gap between the haves and the have-nots

A recent report found that the government is set to miss its target to give everyone five more years of healthy life by 2030, and to reduce health inequalities between the richest and poorest.

  • Age-friendly Movement
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Good housing

The Good Home Agency? How we can make England’s homes safe, comfortable and energy-efficient

Our homes account for around 30% of total energy demand in the UK, and so far little progress has been made to reduce the energy they consume.

  • Homes
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Man running

Maintaining an active life as we get older

Even those with a resilient habit are dropping out of activity or reducing their activity levels as they get older. Sport England’s latest data shows that the pandemic has only exacerbated this challenge.

  • Age-friendly Movement
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Two people walking

How to support older people to remain healthy through the pandemic

In a recent joint report, Ageing Better and The Physiological Society brought together experts from across physiology, public health and clinical medicine to explore how older people can be supported to maintain resilience.

  • Age-friendly Movement
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Coronavirus must prompt urgent action on adult obesity

Obesity levels are rising across all age groups, with the greatest increase seen in over 75s.

  • Age-friendly Movement
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Man in the street

Why I confronted Lord Sumption's ageist views

Following comments made by Lord Sumption on BBC One's The Big Questions, it's important that we continue to tackle ageism, inequalities and ensure all life is thought of equally.

  • Age-friendly Movement

Latest research from others

Resolution Foundation
29 May 2024
The article explores the impact of the "triple lock" pension policy in the UK.
Larri, L. J., International Journal of Population Studies
15 Apr 2024
This paper explores the participation of older women in social movements, and the opportunities it provides for life-long learning and well-ageing. Based on mixed methods research with Australia’s…
Office for National Statistics
9 May 2024
This statistical release presents an overview of UK measures of wellbeing, including specific findings related to older people. Drawing on economic, environmental, and social statistics, findings…

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