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Lost generation

Lockdown could leave next generation of retirees poorer and sicker than the last

New data from Ipsos MORI and the Centre for Ageing Better suggests that the coronavirus crisis risks creating a 'lost generation' of retirees facing poor health and financial insecurity in retirement.

  • Age-friendly Movement
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South London Cares

Racial inequality is felt profoundly by those in later life – new commission mustn't forget them

The Black Lives Matter demonstrations have highlighted deep rooted racial inequalities within our society, resulting in the government setting up a new commission to tackle this issue.

  • Age-friendly Movement
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Building work

Supporting jobseekers with caring responsibilities during the COVID-19 recovery

At least a million workers aged between 50 and 64 are out of work involuntarily, with caring responsibilities being one of the main reasons. Why aren't they being supported?

  • Work
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Older couple looking onto a river

The Age of Ageing Better? New book launched

The book from our Chief Executive, Anna Dixon, challenges people's assumptions about ageing, and what longer lives mean for our society.

  • Age-friendly Movement
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Home products

Can COVID-19 encourage changes in how we think about products within our homes?

Retailers and marketers have a clear role in stimulating demand for inclusive products by highlighting to consumers why certain products are easier to use and helping them identify products that better meet their needs.

  • Homes
  • Age-friendly Movement
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Digital skills for life

How the digital divide affects older adults’ use of technology during COVID-19

Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic many of us are relying on technology a lot more but not everyone has access to these tools to support their daily living and wellbeing at home.

  • Age-friendly Movement
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Active at Home: New booklet launched to encourage physical activity at home

The booklet launched by Public Health England and Sport England provides older adults guidance on home-based activities to help maintain their strength and balance.

  • Age-friendly Movement
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row of terraced houses

The effects of financial security and housing tenure on enjoying later life

Housing tenure is a factor that can have a big impact on our quality of life, especially in light of the COVID-19 pandemic.

  • Homes

Latest research from others

Age UK
19 May 2024
This report outlines the current evidence on pensioner poverty in the UK. Based on DWP annual statistics, it finds 16% of UK pensioners as living in relative poverty, with higher-than average risk…
Office for National Statistics
9 May 2024
This statistical release presents an overview of UK measures of wellbeing, including specific findings related to older people. Drawing on economic, environmental, and social statistics, findings…
New Philanthropy Capital
5 Jun 2024
This report sets outs UK and England-level environmental policy priority areas, including for older people.

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