Out and About Cards were developed on the Isle of Wight as part of the Island’s COVID recovery. The idea came from a member of the Age Friendly Island’s Older Persons Steering Group, a small working group of older people interested in influencing policy and decision-making.
The Care to Move initiative is helping thousands of people living in care homes to take part in fun and sustainable physical activity directly indoors.
Guide launched to help community organisations future-proof their volunteer base in wake of COVID-19
The guide will help voluntary organisations mobilise and engage a more diverse range of over 50s volunteers, including those who typically face barriers to getting involved in their communities.
Lockdown boosted neighbourliness and trust, according to new study
People feel more trusting of their neighbours and more people now say they have someone to count on to help them out as a result of lockdown, new data reveals.
Age Better in Sheffield’s ‘Moments of Joy’ and ‘Hello Neighbour Boxes’ have been helping older people through the pandemic by providing vital information and human connection in a time of isolation.