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The booklet launched by Public Health England and Sport England provides older adults guidance on home-based activities to help maintain their strength and balance.
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Anna Dixon and Matthew Taylor discuss the key themes from Anna’s new book: 'The Age of Ageing Better?', out now.
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How Barnsley is using recycled tech to support its local care homes

An initiative from Barnsley council has seen refurbished laptops and tablets given to care homes in order to give them the support and help they need during the COVID-19 pandemic.
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This Areas of Research Interest (ARI) document summarises some of the key research questions in relation to the coronavirus pandemic and the implications for those aged 50 to 70.
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A post-COVID drive to tackle obesity will be hugely welcome. But those in their 50s and 60s must not be left out.
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How Leeds is utilising virtual coffee mornings during the COVID-19 pandemic

The Cross Gates & District Good Neighbours' Scheme CIO in Leeds have moved their services online during the COVID-19 pandemic which has brought challenges and opportunities in equal measure.
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Far from being a 'great leveller', the coronavirus pandemic has laid bare huge health inequalities in the UK.
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Watch this webinar as we explore what more should be done to prevent inequalities of age and ethnicity.
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Maureen's voice - Getting online during the COVID-19 pandemic

For many in later life getting online can be quite a daunting prospect, but 83-year-old Maureen has taken up the challenge and shown how important it can be.
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We've gathered some examples and resources from Age-friendly Communities in response to COVID-19.
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