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COVID-19 and subsequent measures for curbing the spread of the virus has highlighted the deep inequalities within our society.
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As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to impact us all, Ageing Better remains as committed as ever to its mission of improving later lives.
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The government has launched a major effort to tackle loneliness and social isolation during the coronavirus outbreak and period of social distancing.
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The Centre for Ageing Better has responded to calls from the Social Market Foundation to scrap the triple lock on pension as a response to the economic costs of coronavirus.
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Coronavirus has laid bare the fact that our health isn't a lottery, and that deep inequalities within the UK are being brought to the forefront during a time of self-isolation.
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In light of the COVID-19 outbreak, articles that celebrate a ‘cull’ of the elderly remind us to think more carefully about our attitudes towards ageing.
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The outbreak of COVID-19 means the most vulnerable in society will be spending at least the next 12 weeks in isolation, in so called 'shielding', but what implications does this have for their physical and mental wellbeing?
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Angela's voice - The importance of intergenerational relationships

Intergenerational relationships are important for those in later life to feel connected to their community and improve their wellbeing.
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Although longer life expectancy is regarded positively and reflects societal progress in healthcare, later life is still synonymous with ill-health, resulting in ‘inevitable’ cognitive and physical decline.
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Despite profound changes to the age structure of our society, ageism is still rife. This report looks at the role and impact of language and stereotypes in framing old age and ageing in the UK.
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