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A landmark report on the state of ageing in Britain shows that a significant proportion of the population is at risk of suffering poverty, ill-health and hardship in later life.
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Our report gives a snapshot of ageing today and in the future, focusing on the areas we know make a difference to people’s later lives.
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Preview Woman in exercise class

Christine’s voice

After Christine had a stroke she was told it was unlikely she would walk again. Read her story of recovery.
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Our State of Ageing 2019 report uses publicly available data to give a snapshot of what life is like for people aged 65 and older today, while looking at key areas: work and finances, housing, health and communities.
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What might the future of ageing look like and how can we bring about lasting changes in society that make a difference to peoples' experiences of later life?
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The Centre for Ageing Better developed the Healthy Ageing Challenge Framework, which is intended to stimulate ideas and provide thinking points for the ISCF.
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The Royal Osteoporosis Society announces plans to bring together leading researchers, clinicians and academics to advance knowledge of osteoporosis and bone health.
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A new global study by Ipsos MORI explores attitudes to ageing and later life across 30 countries.
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A suppliers' event for the Leeds Neighbourhood Network Evaluation project.
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Strength and balance training programmes can help people at risk of falls live safely and independently, but their availability is a postcode lottery.  
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