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Pupils in a physio yogalates class doing a balancing rocking pose.

Strength and balance resources

This page contains videos, PDFs and community links taken from our 'Raising the bar on strength and balance: The importance of community-based provision' report.
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This report presents the models of delivery, issues, barriers and innovative solutions of community-based strength and balance programmes.
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By not prioritising strength and balance programmes, we are missing the opportunity to ease pressure on A&E departments and reduce demand for social care.
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Measurement is an essential part of achieving social change. The Ageing Better Measures Framework is a new tool to help understand the dynamics of ageing.  
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This is a compendium of 63 measures, survey scales and their associated data sources looking at outcomes at the individual level related to ageing and later life.
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Old age is often portrayed as a negative experience, especially in the media.
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There are many common perceptions about ageing, however these are often not based on evidence.
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The ONS has today released new data on 'sandwich carers', people of working age who look after both dependent children and another (usually older) relative.
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NHS England has published its Long Term Plan. Among other priorities, the plan sets out how people can be supported to age well.
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New approaches to engaging older people in cultural and heritage activities were discovered at the UK/Netherlands Age-Friendly Cultural Exchange Programme.
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